
My name is Chase Ginther and I am a Data Scientist currently residing in Tampa, Florida. I am currently employed by Nielsen Holdings, LLC as a Data Scienntist on the Machine Learning and Algorithms Team. In my blog/portfolio, you will find content ranging from tips and tricks related to data science, full projects, and random musings about student life at universities.


I received a Bachelors of Science at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Statistics and with a double major in Computational Modeling and Data Analytics. When enrolling at Virginia Tech in 2014, I was pleased to learn about the universities addition of Computational Modeling and Data Analytics(CMDA) into it’s curriculum. In 2015, I was one of the first students to join the program and have had amazing opportunities watching it grow. CMDA is world class Data Science curriculum. CMDA provides an interdisciplanary education in Statistics, Computer Science, and Mathematics. I consider myself an applied mathematician by trade. I have experience in machine learning, optimization, regularization methods for ill-posed systems, applied statistics, and efficient computing for these methods. My interests lie in machine learning and predictive modeling. In particular as it relates to modeling human behavior using large datasets.

In my time at Tech, I joined Alpha Sigma Phi in the fall of 2014. At the time, Alpha Sig was a struggling chapter of about 20 men. I, and my fellow pledge brothers saw the makings of a great fraternity experience that we could offer at Tech. In the fall of 2015, I was elected to serve as president of the fraternity. In my time as president, we were able to recruit our two largest recruitment classes in the almost 10 years. We also became more involved with various philanthropic causes. I oversaw the launch of our first annual Big Little games, which raised around $2000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Academics once again became a focus of our group, and we achieved our highest chapter GPA in recent history. I was honored to receive the Gavin Starmer Fraternity President of the Year for my term as president, awarded annually to one fraternity president at Virginia Tech. My work as president of Alpha Sigma Phi allowed me to build great relationships with other member chapters of the Interfraternity Council. In the fall of 2016, at the conclusion of my term as president of Alpha Sigma Phi, I was elected to the role of president of the Interfraternity Council. In this role, I set policy, administrated, and educated chapter members and leaders of 28 fraternities on Virginia Tech’s campus. I represented the interests of over 2000 undergraduate students in relations with the university. My fraternity experience was very valuable to me and it is essential to who I am today. Regardless of the position I am in in life, I will work to support Alpha Sigma Phi, Virginia Tech Fraternity Sorority Life, and fraternity men everywhere.


In the winter of 2015, I began undergraduate research with a graduate student Huiying Mao, under the direction of Dr. William H. Woodall. I was truly fortunate to have such an accomplished statistican as Dr. Woodall willing to work with me and guide on my first publication at the age of 20. Our goal was to provide an evaluation of a suggested quality control method. We utilized big data simulation in R to provide such analysis. We found that Wheeler’s method for monitoring the rate of rare events ineffective by using these simulations and statistical theory. Our paper, “An Evaluation of Wheeler’s Method for Monitoring the Rate of Rare Events”, was published in June of 2016. Our paper can be viewed here

I also became involved with the Bayesian Visual Analytics research group. Specifically, I assisted graduate student and professors in background research with the CHITA methods group

Contact me

If you feel I could of assistance to your company or organization please feel free to contact me at the email below. I also welcome comments and/or critques regarding any posts here.